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Re: [ga] Blueprint to purge the critics

Danny Younger wrote:

>Under the terms of the "Blueprint for Reform" the GA will no longer be
>allowed to vote on anything, including its own chair or on advisory 
>"the GNSO GA should take no votes".

Well, I believe that the GA should be able to take votes on matters relevant 
to its mission and matters relevant to its internal functioning.
For instance, should be able to elect its chair.
If the GA starts becoming a body whose main purpose is to vote motions, 
moreover addressed at bodies outside ICANN, like in the recent past, the 
results are before our eyes.

>The GA will no longer be able to make recommendations to the Department of
>Commerce or to the ICANN Board:  "The GNSO GA is not a forum for making
>decisions or recommendations, or taking formal positions."

That the GA should be able at all to make recommendation to the Department 
of Commerce, or to any other Department, or to the Security Council of the 
United Nations, or to the local council of the Automobile Association of 
America, is questionable.
Personally, I have always endorsed a vision of the GA as a forum for debate, 
with capability to take a vote on a specific set of issues and under 
specific circumstances. Of course, the motionmania has brought us in a 
different direction, and now we have to face the consequences.
Remember the "suicide of the GA" thread?

>Furthermore, in
>order to ensure that there is no "undue disruption", the "GNSO GA shall 
>support *moderated* electronic discussion lists and forums".

Kids in kindergarten need adult supervision, adults debating need not.
It is up to us to show to which category we belong.

>Summary:  Criticism of ICANN will not be tolerated.  ICANN has eliminated 
>vocal critics on the Board by terminating At-Large representation, and is 
>attacking its remaining critics in the GA and in the ccSO (who must sign
>loyalty oaths in order to participate:  "evidenced through signed 
>or by other means, such as full funding support").
>Our only hope at this point is to once more reach out once more to the US
>Congress to help reign in this runaway train.
>Rep. John M. Shimkus (R-Ill.), a member of the House Energy and Commerce
>Committee has made the comment, "Barring significant changes, we'll have to
>look at alternatives to ICANN."  It's time to help our congressmen find 

Exactly. Let´s call once again the 77th Cavalry, they´ll fix it for us. 
Let´s give another demonstration that we need adult supervision.
You know, to know that there are such fine people like Rep. John M. Shimkus 
(R-Ill.) that can fix it for us gives a warm feeling. Of course, they fill 
fix it exactly how we want it: they know the what and how.


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