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Re: [ga] Re: [atlarge-discuss] Re: [nc-transfer] Re: [ncdnhc-discuss] WLSproposal

Friday, June 21, 2002, 2:28:08 PM, todd glassey wrote:

> I agree 100 % with you Micheal. But the interesting thing is that the US
> legislation on SPAM was as it was.SPAM is unlike the garbage that you get as
> second and third class mailings in with the real postal mail because you
> have top pay for the spam whether you read it or not. If you do not want

AT&T has started charging Worldnet users per email received?

Or are you trying to make a poorly thought out argument?

Cost shift requires that you actually incur a cost you would not
otherwise of incurred, Todd.

Best regards,
William X Walsh <william@wxsoft.info>
Save Internet Radio!  
CARP will kill Webcasting!

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