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[ga] DNSO/GNSO: Same dysfunctionality/ New package


I appreciate your interest in the reform topic and wouldn't mind getting your 
views on the proposed reform of the DNSO. 

At best, I see little more than cosmetic changes.  Sure, we have a new name 
(GNSO), but we basically still have the same set of players (with the ccTLDs 
being replaced by NonCom appointees)... and no proposals to deal with the 
current dysfunctionality of the constituency approach.  

For some reason, rather than creating new and long-overdue constituencies by 
fiat, which the Board is empowered to do on its own motion, we have once more 
been asked to wait for the establishment of "criteria" which will allow for 
"provisional" constituencies to eventually obtain full-voting constituency 
status.  I need not remind you that we have already been down this "criteria" 
road before...

So what has really changed?  How is this an improvement over the prior model 
which also had "criteria" for new constituencies?  

Not surprisingly, we are told that yet another "Review" will be conducted in 
12 months time... but what's the point?  We have already had two back-to-back 
"reviews" of the DNSO, and obviously no one bothered to listen as no 
modifications have been recommended.  So why go through the exercise again 
when absolutely nothing of consequence has changed?

The Council will continue to operate in the same fashion that it has always 
operated.  Policy guidance to the Board will become even more poor than it is 
at the moment because there is now no longer any incentive for GA members to 
participate...  they can't vote on their own procedures, they can't elect 
their own Chair, and they can't tender recommendations to the Board.  The 
current proposal only serves to dishearten the remaining volunteers.

How exactly does this plan increase the quality of the policy guidance that 
will be offered to the Board?  I'm sorry, but I don't see any "evolution", 
only a plan to continue carrying dysfunctionality forward.  

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