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Re: [ga] WLS

Dear Mr. Berryhill,

Many of your recent observations are quite helpful, but I would ask you to
re-evaluate them with correct assumptions in that yours were incorrect.

"unwashed rabble" - it is quite obvious this group is the most washed rabble
ever assembled.  You happen to be a member and I assume you have at least one
post graduate degree and bathe frequently.  Although you are quite long in the
tooth so I have clipped your 6k worth of "rabble"

"market forces" - Snapnames is owned by Verisign which trades stock which is a
licensed monopoly through ICANN and the DoC.  Enron, Microsoft, US Steel, AT&T
are not good examples of market forces.

"competition & Golf"  Perhaps you could find a better analogy Tiger, in that
golf is often exclusive to those who are allowed to join - $$$, No niggers,
spics, Irish or kikes.  Maybe you are right?

"standard business practice" is always relevant no matter where or why.  Whether
it be an ISO or an unwritten clause in a contract.

On the other hand, perhaps you were being sarcastic and in which case I hope my
illustrations will help those from a different lingual persuasion.


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  • References:
    • RE: [ga] WLS
      • From: "John Berryhill" <john@johnberryhill.com>

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