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Fwd: [ga] ERC Blueprint inofficial charts


I saw the chart and only have two little questions.

1. How is the way to make a global diversity from the "representants" in 
this new ICANN?

2. Where is the non-commercial part of the system?.

The separation in academic, civil society groups, individual groups, are 
very interesting for the discuss. Is clear that non-commercial 
organizations are very diferent in each countrie and by the issue.

Maybe this is the last days of non-commercial constituency?

Erick Iriarte Ahon

>Delivered-To: faia@amauta.rcp.net.pe
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>Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2002 13:14:43 +0200
>To: DNSO General Assembly <ga@dnso.org>
>From: Alexander Svensson <alexander@svensson.de>
>Subject: [ga] ERC Blueprint inofficial charts
>Sender: owner-ga@dnso.org
>Here are three charts showing the structure proposed
>in the recent E+R Committee "Blueprint" document:
>  -- ICANN structure
>  -- Nominating Committee
>  -- GNSO Council
>http://www.icannchannel.de/erc-blueprint.pdf (PDF, 124 kB)
>Best regards,
>/// Alexander
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