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Re: [ga] Registrars and ICANN Budget Approval


The board has delegated responsibility for figuring out the details of the
budget to the budget committee. At this point, it is my understanding that
they have not been tasked with determining what the budget will be pursuant
to any board action on the ERC recommendations. It is likely that this will
happen in the future, at which point the budget committee will have to go
through the exercise again - which likely means that the registrar
constituency will also have to go through the exercise again.

Deferring on this at this point would mean no budget until such time that
the ER process has completed.

----- Original Message -----
From: <DannyYounger@cs.com>
To: <michael@palage.com>
Cc: <ga@dnso.org>
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2002 4:16 PM
Subject: [ga] Registrars and ICANN Budget Approval

> Dear Mike,
> I understand from reading the registrars list that there is a push
> to have the registrars approve the ICANN budget (which orginally entailed
> per-name fee increase under the formula from 8 to approximately 12 cents).
> In view of the fact that the recently published "Blueprint" calls for a
> per-name fee at 25 cents, is it at all possible that you and your fellows
> registrars might be acting in an unduly hasty manner by sending in such
> agreements in advance of the final budget decision?
> --
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