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[ga] Reform proposal: A democratic DNSO

Ross, you wrote:  "The GA is not a forum for debating. It is a forum for open 
participation in the work of the DNSO."  

Sadly, I think you are missing the point... We are in the midst of a debate 
regarding the "evolved" future of the GA within the DNSO.  As such, we cannot 
point to past constructs and declare that they are determinative.  

Within the DNSO we have two collectivities, the members of special interest 
groups (constituencies) and non-affiliated members (GA participants that 
represent the voice of the Public Interest).  Currently, no voting rights are 
accorded to those that represent the Public Interest within the DNSO, only 
lobbyists for special interest groups may vote.  Why should I and my peers 
that are actively involved in the day-to-day ICANN issues have no voting 
rights within this policy-recommending organ?  There are certainly as many of 
us in this organization as there are of you... why should we be treated as 
second-class participants? 

Our founding documents were predicated on a recognized need for "balance".  
An "evolved" DNSO should confer voting rights to all that participate in this 
body and should strike a balance between special interest and public 
interest.  In my view, that would mean that the GA as a collectivity should 
have as many votes as the aggregate of the special interests.  

An even better approach would be One-person/One-vote, a democratic tradition 
that would serve us well.  Let me ask, what would be your objection to a 
reorganization based on democratic principles?  Is there any particular 
reason why the membership of the GA should not be given voting rights?  What 
claim do you have to a superior status?
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