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Re: [ga] Blueprint to purge the critics

So what you meant was, "we debate but only on agendas set by {fill in the
blank}"?  Excuse me if I'm being dense, but I really don't quite follow
what you have in mind here.

On Mon, 24 Jun 2002, Ross Wm. Rader wrote:

> > I beg your pardon?  We "participate" but don't express opinions?
> >
> > I'm sure you didn't mean to sound Stalinist, but what exactly *did* you
> > mean?
> Roberto explicitly stated that it was his opinion that the mission of the GA
> was to "to provide a forum for debating issues related to the DNS."
> There is a different between acting like a debating club and substantively
> participating in the work at hand. IN other words, debate without results is
> simply debate. Debate with no purpose is what chums do on a Friday night
> over beers.
> -rwr
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Michael Froomkin - U.Miami School of Law" <froomkin@law.miami.edu>
> To: "Ross Wm. Rader" <ross@tucows.com>
> Cc: "Roberto Gaetano" <ploki_xyz@hotmail.com>; <james.love@cptech.org>;
> <DannyYounger@cs.com>; <ga@dnso.org>
> Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 10:03 AM
> Subject: Re: [ga] Blueprint to purge the critics
> >
> > On Mon, 24 Jun 2002, Ross Wm. Rader wrote:
> >
> > > The GA is not a forum for debating. It is a forum for open participation
> in
> > > the work of the DNSO.
> > >
> >
> > --
> > Please visit http://www.icannwatch.org
> > A. Michael Froomkin   |    Professor of Law    |   froomkin@law.tm
> > U. Miami School of Law, P.O. Box 248087, Coral Gables, FL 33124 USA
> > +1 (305) 284-4285  |  +1 (305) 284-6506 (fax)  |  http://www.law.tm
> >                         -->It's hot here.<--
> >

		Please visit http://www.icannwatch.org
A. Michael Froomkin   |    Professor of Law    |   froomkin@law.tm
U. Miami School of Law, P.O. Box 248087, Coral Gables, FL 33124 USA
+1 (305) 284-4285  |  +1 (305) 284-6506 (fax)  |  http://www.law.tm
                        -->It's hot here.<--

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