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[ga] Re: Reform proposal: A democratic DNSO

Re:  "This is not about democracy - it never was"

I suppose that if I wanted to protect entrenched special interests at the 
expense of all others that seek to be represented in the ICANN process, I too 
would be using your arguments... but the truth is that I see the very real 
need to have the Public Interest accorded rights in the same measure that 
Special Interests now enjoy such rights.   With the demise of the At-Large in 
the ICANN structure, accountability and legitimacy demand that the Public 
Interest be placed on equal footing with Special Interest (especially in the 
area of domain name policy).

Ross, if its not about who you represent, but the ideas that you bring to the 
table that eventually result in consensus based recommendations, then why not 
just eliminate Council voting altogether?  How can you justify any voting 
mechanism that includes no voting bloc for the Public Interest?
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