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[ga] ISOC Luxembourg: An Afternoon with Vint Cerf

  • To: ga@dnso.org
  • Subject: [ga] ISOC Luxembourg: An Afternoon with Vint Cerf
  • From: "J-F C. (Jefsey) Morfin" <jefsey@club-internet.fr>
  • Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 20:35:23 +0200
  • In-Reply-To: <3D175250.85107C48@ix.netcom.com>
  • References: <20020624114146.GA6581@yoda.does-not-exist.org>
  • Sender: owner-ga-full@dnso.org

On 19:09 24/06/02, Jeff Williams said:
>Thomas and all,
>Yes, very interesting!  What is actually interesting is that Vint Cerf
>would be spending July 4th (Independence Day), probably the single
>most important holiday in the USA in Luxembourg.  To me that
>shows his total lack of patriotism as a US citizen.  I am ashamed
>for him and of him...

I am afraid you are wrong here, Jeff. Vint is to the countrary
(and we all are aware fo it) using all the prestige of the 4th of July
to impress on us the importance of his visit, as if it was a "State

At the same time, Alejandro Pisanty will be in Paris at ISOC with
some decorum.

Is ICANN selling themsleves here, or making us to understand
that the world is still to revolve on the shoulders of ATLAS ...

>Thomas Roessler wrote:
> > Maybe some of you find this interesting.
> > Titre: An afternoon with Vint Cerf : "Internet: 21st Century Tidal Wave"
> > URL: http://www.isoc.lu/conferences/index.html
> >
> > On 4th July 2002, ISOC Luxembourg is proud to organize a conference
> > featuring Dr. Vinton Cerf, father of the Internet.
> >
> > The conference is scheduled on the 4th July, 2002 at 2:30 pm at the:
> >
> > International School of Luxembourg
> > 36 rue Dupong (Campus Geesseknäpchen)
> > L-1430 Luxembourg
> >
> > The conference wil be held in English. However, we will take
> > questions in French, German and Luxembourgish.
> >
> > The entrance is free for everyone. However, given the limited number
> > of seats, you are requested to book your seat in advance.
> >
> > Provisional program
> >
> > 14:30 Welcome address
> > 14:45 to be defined
> > 15:30 "Internet: 21st Century Tidal Wave" by Dr. Vinton G. Cerf
> > 16:15 Discussion panel with Dr. Cerf and industry representatives
> > 17:30 Farewell drink

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