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[ga] Aristotle Update

Title: June 21,2002


July 12, 2002

Click here for a minute with the Chairman, Mr. Roy B. Evans, CAE


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  In Brief

Aristotle Editors

The impact of terrorism on liability insurance for hotels, convention centers, and public venues is just coming into focus.  Insurance premiums are up enormously.  The insurance industry is lobbying Washington for mitigating protections or some form of risk mitigation.  This is one of the hottest areas for study in the second half of 2002.  If you have input, please pass it along to our Managing Editor, Arthur Esch at 301.475.8800.

Hard Stats on U.S. Travel from TIA:  2002 total travel will be $530 Bil; flat from 2001 and down 5% from 2000.  International travelers will represent 15% of the number of travelers.

For the rest of "In Brief" - Click Here

New Gold:  Destination Packaging

Roy B. Evans, CAE

Electronic packaging, done by destinations, is bringing about new business opportunities.  Aristotle and Omni/Tourism have formed a joint venture to provide turnkey packaging for destinations.  

 It's a Wireless, Wireless World

Arthur G. Esch, Jr.

The press is full of wireless and more wireless.  Guess what?  It is becoming a reality.  Not the way you have read about, but wireless is happening and you too can be using wireless in hotels, airports, restaurants, and public venues.  Wireless connectivity changes your productivity measurably.  Wireless is also a capability you want to add for your office, your home, and meeting sites.

 Indoor Air Quality:  Mold Remediation Protocol

Dr. Jp Leskie

When dealing with mold remediation, you need to pay special attention to the communication aspect of the building you are treating.   Occupant concerns regarding health issues, length of treatment and alternate accommodations should all be addressed to ease your client 's mind.

How to Be a Futurist
  Amy L. Cole, Executive Vice President and COO, 
The Forbes Group

Taking The 360-Degree View – Identifying Change
In order to define their future,organizations need to look at the macro forces affecting them using the STEEP system.

This is the second article in a series on "How to be a Futurist" - To read this article, Click Here





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