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[ga] Re: WLS is seeing hundreds/thousands NO votes

Hi Genie,

--- Genie Livingstone <genie@magi.net> wrote:
> http://forum.icann.org/wls/
> over 200 posts in past 48 hours NO to WLS
> http://www.petitiononline.com/antiwls/petition.html
> over 1500 signatures in past 48 hours
> Considering SnapNames has urged its huge customer base in June to
> sign
> PRO-WLS petition and post on ICANN feedback forum, the showing of
> SnapNames supporters pales in compatison to WLS oppostion from a
> customer base of competing Registrar, voting AGAINST-WLS

Amazingly, many of the opponents of WLS are existing SnapNames
customers and even Verisign shareholders. SnapNames was selective in
its recruitment of "supporters", as pointed out previously (e.g. many
are from Oregon, kind of like that AT&T "Friends and Family" strategy,
I suppose...). I'm a SnapNames customer (I love SnapNames, just despise
the monopolistic WLS, and prefer the Status Quo), but never received
their email seeking "supporters". 

What impressed me most was that so many people, individuals and small
businesses for the most part, took the time to research the issues, and
posted well-informed statements against the WLS.

I had posted earlier about "Do you hear the people sing?", and it shall
be interesting to see whose tune ICANN marches to, the People's, or

Sun Tzu wrote in "The Art of War" that "He will win who knows when to
fight and when not to fight." The opponents of WLS know that this is
something worth fighting for -- if Verisign was smart, they would
realize this is a case where it's smarter not to fight, and instead
make a hasty retreat. Get the $100 million by renegotiating the R&D
commitment to ICANN, not at the expense of consumers and other market
participants via WLS.


George Kirikos

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