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Re: [ga] Why Bret Fausett likes WLS?

At 10:24 PM 14/07/02 -0700, Bret Fausett wrote:

>...when I write that I like the WLS proposal, I'm
>speaking only from my own experience. I've used the
>existing available services a handful of times to
>register one expiring domain name for myself and
>perhaps three or four for clients. In doing so, I
>found the current system confusing and frustrating.

If other consumers find the same, wouldn't the market
if left to its own devices shake down to the least
confusing and frustrating eventually being the winner(s)?

I find the multiple .biz rollouts with names like b2b and
the multiple .info rollouts with names like LR2 confusing,
and I'm one of those halfways paying attention. Others
have certainly found them frustrating. Does that mean they
should be given to VeriSign too?

Multiple computer operating systems are confusing, so in
some ways it might make sense to just have one. It doesn't
logically follow that that one should be MicroSoft. -g

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