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Re: [ga] Why Bret Fausett likes WLS?

You people should get a life. I shouldn't even respond to this, but since 
my name was picked for the subject line, here goes: I paid my own airfare, 
my own hotel, and the time I spent at the Fulcrum Conference went in to the 
great non-billable blackhole, as so much of my ICANN time does. As a 
speaker, I did get to attend a very nice two-day conference for free, 
though I ducked out for a couple of hours at one point to do the webcast 
for a names council meeting. A fellow from .tv bought me and some other 
folks dinner one night, and Ellen Rony drove me to the Muni station after 
the conference was over so I could catch the train back to the airport. To 
the best of my recollection, that's the full list of my indebtedness for 
those two days last year.

If I had devoted the time I've spent on ICANN over the last few years to 
virtually any other endeavor -- hell, even a paper route -- I'd have fared 
better financially. The idea that Snapnames might be giving people stock 
options for supporting the WLS on the General Assembly mailing list is 
beyond absurd. It's just as absurd as the notion that every opponent of the 
WLS is someone who traffics in a volume of domain names and profits from 
their resale. That's absurd too, right?

              -- Bret

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