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Re: [ga] Re: DNSO/GNSO Board directors

On 00:35 17/07/02, vint cerf said:
>I don't think this has been worked out yet. On the surface one would
>imagine a transition period when some directors stay, some depart
>and the new organization, GNSO, begins to make its nominations according
>to whatever transition schedule is worked out.
>Let me consult with the reform committee to see whether they have yet
>come to grips with this level of specificity.

Dear Vint,
as you know the loss of one seat per SO compromises the Geographical Area 
statu quo for BoD Members. We all know this may lead to serious contentions 
about the ICANN nature itself. I suggest that you consult them on this too, 
as a part of the same point. I also underline that such elections should 
not occur before the new constituencies are formed.

May I also remind you that committed to me on this GA that you will take 
the necesary steps so the the current @large Directors are not removed 
before being replaced. Is this still your intent?

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