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Re: [ga] Re: .info LR2 process and failure of ICANN to heed warnings

Wednesday, July 17, 2002, 2:47:18 PM, Richard Henderson wrote:
> hi-jacking the best names or "buying" a whole registrar's list. In my
> opinion, every participating registrar should have an online interface open
> to the internet public. And I think registrars should only be allowed to
> submit one list. I don't blame the registrars who submitted more than one
> list. I blame the Registry and ICANN for allowing it to happen.

I disagree that Registrars should be required to have a public
interface. A registrar is a privately owned business, who they choose
to or choose not to do business with is really none of anyone's

What I Think the problem is...is that once again, people thought they
could come up with a system that is more fair than the most simple
first come first served.  They failed, miserably, in every single one
of these cases to do that.

Stick to first come first served, the most simple, and the most fair
way of handling business.

(Jeff Williams like excessive CC line removed, because all it does is
contribute to unnecessary noise and the further filtering of incoming
email by those persons who unnecessarily end up on these excessive CC
lines by people who believe that they have something much more
important to say than they really do)

Best regards,
William X Walsh <william@wxsoft.info>
Save Internet Radio!  
CARP will kill Webcasting!

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