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[ga] Re: [atlarge-discuss] Please could Neulevel respond re: unexplained "unlocking" of names under investigation

This is most disturbing and requires our full attention.  I have family
and friends in Arizona, where we have a long history of fat cats taking
advantage of the system.  There have been many insurance and savings and
loan problems hatch out of Tempe, the home of ASU.  Senator John McCain
hails from this district;
http://www.senate.gov/~mccain/  and he is as solid as they get.  I
assume that now brought to his attention he will make it right.


Richard Henderson wrote:

> HelpThere has been no response from Jeff Neuman on the "unlocked" names of Cass Foster. An explanation is clearly in order and I'm about to re-send this mail to Jeff himself, Vint Cerf, Stuart Lynn, Dan Halloran, Nancy Victory et al:
> I've been waiting patiently for a reply since 18th July. The Internet public has a right to know how .biz names are being distributed and whether names are being locked/unlocked in an arbitrary or a rational manner. The case of the Cass Foster names has been given NO explanation as yet by Jeff Neuman. Come on Jeff! You're more open and accountable than Hal Lubsen or Dan Halloran aren't you?!
> * * * * * * * * * *
> Dear Mr Neuman
> I wonder if I could ask you to intervene in the case of Cass Foster and Ian Weiss (and C. Finkelstein) and their .biz2B registrations. I drew your attention to this two weeks ago and I now have further information, but have had no reply from you.
> Neulevel "locked" the .biz2B registrations of Cass Foster (who also featured prominently in the .info Sunrise affair) and three weeks ago these names appeared in the WHOIS again with different registrant details and "unlocked".
> If you look up the WHOIS for any of the names below (see foot of e-mail), you will see that in the .biz2B, all these names were registered through R&K Global 000Domains.
> About 3 weeks ago when Cass Foster's name disappeared from them, it seems the public did not get a chance to obtain them, because somehow, every single one was transferred through the same registrar, to 2 new mass-applicants, Ian Weiss and C. Finkelstein. Stranger still, these names HAD been locked on the same day as all the other ones you had locked in early April. Now suddenly, they were all unlocked again.
> The DNS is supposed to be a worldwide resource, available to the entire internet public? What happened in this case? The names seem to have been simply re-named in the names of friends, and Neulevel or the registrar seem to have said "That's good enough for us" and the names have all been unlocked. Who authorised these names to be unlocked?
> I have been tracking these particular names since the second week in April. Could you explain what happened, Mr Neuman?
> I also notice that, extraordinarily, the same two applicants have obtained 9 other registrations (eg: manufacturing.biz and student insurance.biz) which Cass Foster made through DomainDiscover - these names have also been transferred to Ian Weiss and C. Finkelstein.
> And another thing. Cass Foster comes from Tempe, Arizona (according to the WHOIS on other Cass Foster registrations)
> Well guess where C. Finkelstein (C.F.) (who's been re-registering these names) comes from?
> You guessed that one too: Tempe, Arizona
> * * * * * * * * * * * *
> Did Neulevel ever actually unlock these names?
> Was there a deal?
> What is the relationship between Cass Foster and C. Finkelstein? (I would guess they look very similar, and not just share the same initials "C.F." and the same town "Tempe, Arizona")
> Extraordinary.
> Did Cass Foster convince you that he had a legitimate business use for the names? If so, he has already GONE BACK ON HIS WORD because according to the whois, he has sold gun.biz and surveillance.biz to N. Beck of Beck's gun shop.
> And if you were convinced that Cass Foster had legitimate business plans for all those names, WHY transfer half the names to "C. Finkelstein" and half the names to Ian Weiss?
> To me, it doesn't add up.
> Why were they locked in April and May and June, then suddenly in July they are unlocked and all handed over to two other people? (One of whom is the business partner of Cass Foster, and the other possibly doesn't exist.)
> Either Cass Foster registered these names legitimately to develop them himself as a business enterprise, or the names are invalid? Why the transfers? Why unlock the names?
> And who authorised the names to be unlocked?
> Then again, if you take a look at the WHOIS details!!!
> Search on Cass Foster and then search on C. Finkelstein.  They have the same phone number.  Talk about amazing coincidences!
> How were the names (which were locked) transferred from Cass Foster to Ian Weiss? Who authorised that this could go ahead and that the names could be unlocked?
> Ian Weiss, incidentally, registered the following names in the .info Sunrise, which were successfully challenged:
> Ian Weiss cellphones.info
> Ian Weiss communitycolleges.info
> Ian Weiss conflictmanagement.info
> Ian Weiss fantasies.info
> Ian Weiss funeralhomes.info
> Ian Weiss grants.info
> Ian Weiss highbloodpressure.info
> Ian Weiss immunesystem.info
> Ian Weiss inventions.info
> Ian Weiss memorabilia.info
> Ian Weiss nympho.info
> Ian Weiss russianwives.info
> Ian Weiss talentagencies.info
> Ian Weiss vendingmachines.info
> Ian Weiss weapons.info
> An explanation from neulevel and R&KGlobal is required, and there is a strong case to be made for these names to be returned into the pool, so that the general public can have a fair access to them.
> Of the 15 .info Sunrise names that Ian Weiss lost by challenge, Cass Foster gained 5 of them in LR2. Surprise, surprise!
> Now we learn that half Cass Foster's "locked" names have been transferred to Ian Weiss
> Who authorised that these .biz2B names should be unlocked?
> Is there any integrity in Neulevel's processes? What action is Neulevel going to take? What credibility can ICANN take for its own processes? What light does this cast the US Govt in, who oversees this whole system?
> Take a look at the WHOIS for coffeemachines.biz which Ian Weiss of Tempe, Arizona registered in the .biz2B... this name has been locked by Neulevel and remains locked
> Note the e-amil address which is the same as Cass Foster's:
> Domain ID: D2754483-BIZ
> Sponsoring Registrar: DOMAINDISCOVER
> Registrant ID: RDNA-0001226769
> Registrant Name: Ian Weiss
> Registrant Address1: P.O. Box 7700
> Registrant City: Tempe
> Registrant State/Province: AZ
> Registrant Postal Code: 85281
> Registrant Country: United States
> Registrant Country Code: US
> Registrant Phone Number: +1.4805555555
> Registrant Email: fosterian@att.net
> Moreover, Ian Weiss of Tempe Arizona (sharing same e-mail and same registrar as Cass Foster) obtained these .biz2B names:
> coffeemachines.biz|NOT available|Ian Weiss |Domain Discover
> freightforwarding.biz|NOT available|Ian Weiss |Domain Discover
> golfballs.biz|NOT available|Ian Weiss |Domain Discover
> religiousgifts.biz|NOT available|Ian Weiss |Domain Discover
> scrapmetal.biz|NOT available|Ian Weiss |Domain Discover
> usimmigration.biz|NOT available|Ian Weiss |Domain Discover
> All these are "locked" by Neulevel, except golfballs.biz which is unlocked and has been updated with the same details Ian Weiss added when Cass Foster's names were transferred to him
> Why has Neulevel allowed golfballs.biz to be unlocked and updated?
> And why did Neulevel allow all Cass Foster's names to be unlocked and transferred (to a man who shares the same e-mail)?
> Lots of questions for Neulevel and the registrars involved to answer.
> Jeff, I really think the internet community and all those ordinary users who have a right to these names deserve an explanation of what on earth's going on, and primarily (a) who authorised these names to be unlocked (b) do you seriously think these names are NOT part of a speculating activity (c) what action is Neulevel going to take (b) why do SOME names appear to be locked and others (like golfballs.biz) are left unlocked?
> In the interests of the integrity of Neulevel - and more importantly in the interests of Neulevel's customers - please make some comment and please intervene.
> Kind regards
> Richard Henderson
> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
> listed below:
> The .biz2B names of Cass Foster which have been "unlocked" and transferred.
> And the .info Sunrise names of Cass Foster which were mostly challenged and taken off him.
> Cass Foster's .biz2B registrations were:
> adoption.biz|NOT available|Cass Foster Registrant Organization: Manav Kendra Enterprises Inc. |R&K Global Business Services Inc. (000domains.com)
> adultsites.biz|NOT available|Cass Foster Registrant Organization: Manav Kendra Enterprises Inc. |R&K Global Business Services Inc. (000domains.com)
> alaskahunting.biz|NOT available|Cass Foster Registrant Organization: Manav Kendra Enterprises Inc. |R&K Global Business Services Inc. (000domains.com)
> allergies.biz|NOT available|Cass Foster Registrant Organization: Manav Kendra Enterprises Inc. |R&K Global Business Services Inc. (000domains.com)
> babyproducts.biz|NOT available|Cass Foster Registrant Organization: Manav Kendra Enterprises Inc. |R&K Global Business Services Inc. (000domains.com)
> biblesoftware.biz|NOT available|Cass Foster Registrant Organization: Manav Kendra Enterprises Inc. |R&K Global Business Services Inc. (000domains.com)
> bridalregistry.biz|NOT available|Cass Foster Registrant Organization: Manav Kendra Enterprises Inc. |R&K Global Business Services Inc. (000domains.com)
> calcium.biz|NOT available|Cass Foster Registrant Organization: Manav Kendra Enterprises Inc. |R&K Global Business Services Inc. (000domains.com)
> ............. and about a hundred more listed on the ICANN NewTLDs Evaluation Process Public Forum (but omitted here to save space) ... see: http://forum.icann.org/cgi-bin/rpgmessage.cgi?newtldevaluationprocess;3D49676000000FCF
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