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[ga] Missing Criteria

Honorable Sirs,

I write you both as servants of our great Internet community and ask
that you at least consider a rather direct and important problem.

Our Internet is growing leaps and bounds from a technical perspective.
We are introducing legislation that seems to have a political and
economic base.  The aforementioned issues are well represented within
our global citizenship.

We are allowing ourselves to move forward without a solid base of
discussion and consensus on social implications of such matters.  You
two have failed to help provide for proper inclusion of theoretical
debate on what is best for society in this burgeoning area.  Our social
responsibility in this Information technology runs much higher than that
which has passed before and by your inaction you are allowing commercial
interests to damage inter global Internet stability.  Factions are
coming to pass that dwarf your antiquated notions of regulation and or

Please work towards some constructive solutions that will allow for open
and transparent discourse and inclusion within this all important
Information Technology environment.  You are both being passed by
through your failure to provide for open and effective forums.  It can
easily be argued that our failure here puts the US in dangerous
proximity to violations of BTAs and our WTO commitments.

Eric Dierker

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