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Re: Jeff Williams FAQ was Re: [atlarge-discuss] Re: [ga] HMS...

Should credibility of the personalities of our members be the issue or;
Should issues and Ideas speak for themselves?
I dare say that if it is the former our congress and England's parliament
would get even less done.
Oh goodness did I leave out the other 120 countries contributing to building a
democratic globe whose members of ruling bodies may not meet with Gary's
ethical approval.
Attack of another in light of no attack on your self are not the actions of of
someone who should judge.
How does that go? Judge not lest ye..........


Gary Osbourne wrote:

> At 10:27 AM 06/08/02 -0400, Joe Baptista wrote:
> >thats not a reatraction.  like i said - i have yet to see any retraction
> >concerning jeff.  and just editing jeff out of a story is not a
> >retraction.
> It is a retraction of previously published
> information. Which isn't to say a cache or
> archive might not have the earlier version.
> >a proper retraction is when the news source intentionally writes an
> >article which retracts jeff as a credible source and says why it did such
> >a thing.
> Agreed. That is a proper retraction. Proving
> only that one should be skeptical of the online
> press as well, particularily as information can
> be retracted more easily and less transparently
> than recalling and re-editing all copies of a
> newspaper, for example. One does come to learn,
> or fails at one's peril, which online news and
> other sources of information are more credible,
> and more trustworthy. You're a prankster Joe, so
> one must be wary of you. ICANN is also well down
> that spectrum, Jeff Williams is near the bottom. -g
> --
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