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Re: [ga] Casting stones

On Wed, 7 Aug 2002, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:

> > All this talk about a re-bid, or about working around ICANN,
> > ultimately boils down to the suggestion to replace the lobbyist
> > battleground called ICANN by the lobbyist battleground called
> > Capitol Hill.  Same players, different coast.  How's that an
> > improvement?
> For the US citizen, it will allow him/her to invoke various rights
> he/she is entitled to (such as the Freedom of Information act). For
> the foreigner, it would change nothing (except that it would be
> clearer who runs the root).

if you think capitol hill runs the root - then you are serious mistaken.
there are several root operators world wide these days.  icann is one of

now the real serious question is who controls it.  figured that out yet

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