[ga] Why haven't you called?? ybpoh
Midwest Diamond Imports is the Midwest's LARGEST internet diamond wholesaler.
We have received a new supply of loose diamonds and are letting
these diamonds go at cost THIS WEEK ONLY!!
**1.00 Carat Round Brilliant J-Color SI2-Clarity LIVE AUCTION!! **1.68 Carat Round Brilliant I-Color SI3 -Clarity $2515.00-WOW!! **1.70 Carat Round Brilliant E-Color SI1 -Clarity $3979.00-SPARKLES **2.18 Princess Cut E-Color SI1-Clarity $6128.00-Tons of FIRE!! **3.03
Round Brilliant "Fancy Intense Green" Diamond-$3293.00 Find these diamonds and look at our current inventory by clicking on the link below for incredible prices.