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[ga] Re: New ORG DNS (Re: [ncdnhc-discuss] some news stories from Shanghai)

Hugh and all,

Hugh Blair wrote:

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Jeff Williams
> > >
> > > 2. UltraDNS claims a lot. Much better and safer than Bind.
> > > How can we check this? The software is closed source.
> >
> >   Purchase the software.
> Great answer. I'll remember this one and be ready to point to
> it at the appropriate time. Like when you complain that some
> voting software can't be trusted because it isn't open source.

  And what is generally considered true is that some TYPES
of software cannot be trusted if they are open source.  Voting
software is one of those TYPES, Hugh.  So yes, please
do point this out at that appropriate time.  As I will point to
the many URL's such as Sans has listed that uphold this
contention and offer many such examples as to why...  >;)
Of course, you have already seen those URL's a number
of times now from the now defunct IDNO.ORG Forum,
haven't you, Hugh?  >;)

  Nice try at spin though here Hugh...  But you have allot to learn
as to make such spin spin consistently...  Keep working at it!  >;)

> Hugh
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Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman for INEGroup - (Over 127k members/stakeholders strong!)
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
E-Mail jwkckid1@ix.netcom.com
Contact Number: 214-244-4827 or 972-244-3801
Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208

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