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Re: [ga] Nuclear Threat from the ccTLDs

On Wed, 30 Oct 2002, Marc Schneiders wrote:

> On Thu, 31 Oct 2002, at 06:59 [=GMT+1300], DPF wrote:
> > On Wed, 30 Oct 2002 18:05:35 +0100 (CET), Marc Schneiders
> > <marc@fuchsia.bijt.net> wrote:
> > >From the ccTLD communique from Sjanghai:
> > >"managers agreed to set up a Working Group to develop
> > >a plan to set up a system of independent management of the DNS root
> > >entries and database entries."
> > >That would be the end of the ICANN root. The ccTLDs have never, I
> > >think, been so clear before.

We're already beyond the 'end' of the Alternate, deprecated ICANN legacy
root. The ccTLD Holder's are merely excersising their rights as the
controlling entity's of their own business products, as per the guidelines
established by the TLDA:


IN short, the administrative contact for any ccTLD or gTLD in question is
the rightful contact to confirm and designate authoritative TLD Server and
contact information data for the TLD itself. The authority to make such
determinations rests solely with that [administrative] contact as the
correct role or person to make such determinations with regards to the
business product (The TLD).

The various competing root systems merely exist to serve the correct zone
info as per the TLD Holder's specifications. 

In the case of many of the ccTLDs, the actual sovereign nations have not
yet received the administrative authority (via a change in the
administrative contact information) from the administrative contacts that
were designated in many cases by Jon (aka IANA) Postel.

Bradley D. Thornton
Chief Technology Officer
The PacificRoot/Joint Technologies Ltd.

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