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Re: [ga] Nuclear Threat from the ccTLDs

At 19:36 31/10/02, Roberto Gaetano wrote:
>Patricio Poblete wrote:
>>This is partly inaccurate. Plan B is to have a ccTLD-run system to manage
>>the part of the IANA database that refers to ccTLDs. (Note that this 
>>would not
>>be an alternate root, the idea would be to get the USG to accept this as the
>>authoritative source of information for ccTLDs in the A root.)
>True, with an additional clause, that Plan B can work without risk for the 
>stability of the Internet only if ICANN's "part" of the root will never 
>have 2-chars codes (please note that at any point in time a new country 
>can be created, and ISO will allocate a new 3166 code for it, hence a 
>potentially new ccTLD).
>What I mean by this is that still there must be co-operation between 
>ccTLDs and ICANN, or strict rules enforced (by whom?) on the entries in 
>the A-root.

What is sad is that those who opposed the alt(sic)roots łatter by ignorance 
of the true issues and support of ICANN hegemony, delayed the testing and 
the validation of the needed procedures. We could have had them worked out 
in "peace time". Now it may be under pressure...

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