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[ga] Serious: is there a professional pilot in this GA?

Are there competent air pilots being Internet pros in here?

I am interested to check about IFF and hi-jacking. I saw no mention that 
Sept/11 flights had indicated being hi-jacked? Yet some mention about USAF 
reaction might lead to think they did? I also wander about the perfect 
trajectories to hit the WTC towers at the right place and to land so 
precisely on the Pentagon (what Aircraft Carriers pilots have difficulties 
to learn with specially built airplanes and being assisted all the way down 
the flying deck).

The reason why I ask is that if the Sept/11 pirates were computer assissted 
in a way or another, this might be repeated and enlight Internet security 
in a different way, as well as Richard Clarke's report. I am not interested 
in the actual facts: I am interested in professionnal comments. We are 
dealing with security and therefore with risks borne from potentialities, 
incertitudes and social beliefs - not with "I know this" or "I know better".

Thank you.

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