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[ga] Mini RC Cars, Sold out in stores - Just 24.99!

Title: This Year's Hottest Gift Is Already Sold Out In Stores!

Sold Out In Stores!

All Orders Placed Here Are Guaranteed to
Arrive BEFORE Christmas & Hanukkah!

The Amazing Wireless Remote Controlled Mini Car!Remember how fun remote controlled cars were when you were young? Well, they're back... and with a vengeance! This season's hottest toy is the amazing new Remote Controlled Mini Car!

It is already being hailed as "...this year's Tickle Me Elmo!" and is sold out in most retail stores!

This incredible little car has all the functions and maneuverability of it's big brothers, but at 1/10 the size! It's as if your Matchbox car came to life! You won't believe how much fun it is to race these little guys around the house, the office, even outdoors. And when the boss comes by, simply pop your RC Mini Car right into your pocket!

The RC Mini Car is controlled by radio frequency... and that means no wires attaching the remote to the car, so you're free to hit the open road completely unrestrained! The RC Mini Car is much too small for a battery, so we've made charging your Mini Car extremely easy. Just pop your Mini Car onto the Remote Control... that's right, the Remote Control is also the charger. Even better, the Mini Car only needs 45 seconds to fully recharge, so you're never far from tearing up the race track!

The RC Mini Car is so unique, portable, and just plain fun, that kids and adults alike love them. It's no wonder why retail stores can't seem to keep them on the shelf... and with the Holidays coming, demand is sure to make the RC Mini Car scarce. So don't wait until it's too late, get your RC Mini Cars today!

Yes, I Want My RC Mini Cars Now!

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