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[ga] Think About It!

           Diet Buddy - Monday, December 30, 2002

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Think About It!

Dearest Diet Buddies, what I enjoy most is receiving letters 
from you that get me thinking when your e-mails are full of 
provocative ideas that force me to pay full attention to 
them, maybe even rethink my own deeply held beliefs.   
Here’s a case in point from our Diet Buddy D.D.:     "I’ve 
been receiving your newsletter for almost two years now.  I 
am 5 feet, 6 inches tall and 156 pounds.  I have been on a
then-frowned-upon but now praised protein diet and have lost 
40 pounds, reaching my 'ideal' weight.

"I know that this is not a lot, according to your other 
readers, but I feel that I should point out the recent studies
on 'high fat, low-carbohydrate' diets can benefit the average 
person.  I, myself, started on the Atkin’s diet at 40 pounds 
overweight (which was one-and-a-half years ago) and then I 
switched to the more liberal CADS diet when I was satisfied 
with my weight loss.  This allowed me to eat the carbs I was 
missing while still keeping an eye on the scale, and I still 
lost weight.  It was easier than giving up all the carbs I 
loved forever and it kept the weight off.

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"I have now learned to eat smaller portions of high-protein 
meals to curb my appetite and crave fewer sweets.  I am hoping 
to still reach my goal of 135 pounds (I am truly big boned!) 
next summer.  Thanks for all your support and for all readers' 

Dear D.D.:  First, thank you for your terrific letter.  By 
the way, I think losing 40 pounds is pretty darn fabulous, 
so don’t underestimate the task you accomplished!  Through 
the years I’ve stressed the value of a well-rounded diet, 
consisting largely of carbohydrate, protein and small amounts 
of healthy fats.  Your letter points out what others are now 
saying:  perhaps we’ve all been too generous in our 
carbohydrate intake, especially the starchy variety.  For 
example, I’ve noticed that too much bread, rice and pasta in 
my own diet even if my caloric intake is on target can slow 
my own weight loss or, in fact, stop it at times.  Like you, 
I absolutely love most carbohydrates and sweet foods, so this
is a tough one for me personally.  If I had to choose between 
steak and pie, I’d take pie.  That said, I’m going to rethink 
my own eating program and work on eating fewer slices of bread 
and more fruits and vegetables.  For most dieters, a life 
without some carbohydrates is unbearable.  Yet, I agree that 
carbs may slow weight loss or inhibit it in some folks.  
Buddies?  If you have any thoughts on this subject, please 
write and let us know!

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From our Buddy N.M.:  "In your last newsletter, you gave some 
very helpful advice.  I think I may have another piece of 
advice to offer:  Sometimes people find it hard to stick to 
a diet or eat right.  In today’s society, people often look 
for excuses not to eat right.  Well, maybe people need an 
excuse to eat right, other than just for losing weight.  I 
usually look for excuses.  Well, first I had my wisdom teeth 
pulled and then I got my tongue pierced.  Those two things 
have forced me to eat better.  (I’m not saying people should 
have their teeth pulled or tongue pierced, but having an 
excuse helps).  Maybe it might work if people look for other 
excuses not to eat fattening foods.  What do you think?"

Dear N.M.:  Hmmm.  Very interesting idea!  I’d like to 
substitute the word reason for excuse, and then I think I can 
agree with you.  We all need sound, solid reasons to do the 
right thing whether it’s what we choose to eat or how we choose 
to live.  For example, it’s certainly easy to sit on the couch 
all night and vegetate in front of the TV set.  ( I know, 
because I’ve done it!)  But, the smart thing is getting up, 
going out for a brisk walk or getting to the health club for 
an aerobics class.  What are the real and solid reasons that 
push me to get up and go out in the winter chill?  Well, for 
one, my health!  The more physically fit I am, the easier it 
will be to get through the stresses of everyday life.  And as 
we all know, there are plenty these days!  Every Buddy on the 
planet needs to make a list of all the reasons to eat wisely, 
exercise moderately, and live healthily and happily.  What are 
your reasons?    

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From our Buddy L.F.:  "I live to eat and I physically crave 
food the way I used to physically crave cigarettes and 
alcohol.  I am always hungry and rarely satisfied with 
whatever it is I’m eating.  The only difference in me and a 
drug addict is that generally you can’t see the physical 
effects of a cocaine or heroin addiction, unless you look 
for track marks.  For us, you see the extra pounds.  A woman 
wrote in who is now on medication that balances the brain 
chemicals and is seeing results.  There you have it!  Gee, 
it isn’t really willpower or a state of mental reasoning for 
all of us, after all!"
Dear L.F.:  Assuming from your letter, you got over your 
craving for smokes and alcohol, or at least you’ve stopped 
using these products.  If you were able to stop those 
addictions, then I believe you can overcome your need to 
overeat or eat high-calorie, fattening food.  I’m not saying 
it will be easy, but it’s done every day.  Many choose to do 
it without medication of any kind.  If depression or bipolar 
disorder is the culprit, medication is necessary, whether 
there’s a weight problem or not.  

Next Issue:  Diet Buddies Face their Moment of Truth:  Naked!  
In Front of a Full-Length Mirror!  Oh, No!  Let’s get ready 
for our New Year Diet!  Write!  We love e-mail!

Questions... Comments... email us at: mailto:libby@shagmail.com
    <a href="mailto:libby@shagmail.com">Email Libby</a>
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END OF DIET BUDDY - Another FREE ShagMail publication   

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