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Re: [ga] Since nobody in authority wants to announce it...

On Wed, Oct 27, 1999 at 01:34:07PM +0900, Kilnam Chon wrote:
> here is the total picture of ICANN BoD geographical distribution;
> 	Interim	DNSO	ASO	PSO	President	Total
> NA	4	1	1	1	1		8
> EU	3+1	1	1	2			7+1
> AP	2-1	0	1	0	 		3-1
> LAC	0	1	0	0			1
> Africa  0	0	0	0			0
> Remark:  one of Interim BoD in AP may hold citizenship of an European 
> 	 country.  if so, we have to add one to Europe and subtract one 
> 	 from AP according to the current ICANN bylaws.

On a percentage basis:

NA      42%
EU      37%
AP      16%
LA       5%
AF       0%

if I did the arithmetic correctly.  Just out of curiosity, how does
this compare with relative number of internet users in each region?
Note that I am not arguing for proportional representation -- I just
find the distribution interesting...

Kent Crispin                               "Do good, and you'll be
kent@songbird.com                           lonesome." -- Mark Twain