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[ga] Proposal for the nomination of the Chair of the GA
Dear NC members:
This is a formal proposal to how to nominate the candidates to become the next GA Chair.
1) All the list members on the GA and Announcement list are able to give 3 votes.
2) The will put the name of the 3 people in order. The first one will get 3 points, the
2nd one will get 2 points and the third one will get 1 point.
3) It is possible to vote just for 2 people, the first one with 3 points, and the 2nd one with
one point. In the same fashion is possible to vote just for one person who will get 3 points.
4) All the members in the GA and Announcement lists who are subscribed before Nov. 19
are able to vote.
5) The 10 most voted candidates will go for a second round in the same fashion: 3,2,1 points
for the first, second, and 3rd name that each person write in his/her mail.
5) From this 10 list, the 2 most voted pre-candidates will be presented to the NC so this body
can choose wich one they feel would be a Chairman who will have strong support from
the members of the GA (Understanding the GA as the members of both lists: GA and
Javier Rodriguez jrl@mail.lima.net.pe
AXISNET VicePresident
Peruvian Association of Internet Users and ISPs