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Re: [ga] The Jeff Williams filter

There's just a little problem with your reply here.

A problem I have found with respect to your reply concerning my person.

You have listed accusations but you have failed to provide any supporting
evidence, nor have you provided us with a list of the accusers.  However -
your actions are in fact judicial which increases your liability

I suggest and recommend more disclosure.


On Mon, 10 Jan 2000, Harald Tveit Alvestrand wrote:

> I have investigated the filtering of messages from Jeff Williams on the
> GA mailing list.
> The facts seem to be as follows:
> - In August, multiple people asked for the removal of Jeff Williams from the
>    list, because he was posting a multitude of messages, seemingly without
>    contributing any sense to the discussion.
> - After extensive documentation of the Jeff Williams phenomenon had been
>    sent to the list manager, Jeff Williams' ability to post to the list
>    was removed.
> - Three more email addresses, all suspected of being used by Jeff Williams,
>    have also been denied posting rights.
> These addresses were blocked administratively.
> Since the list is now discussing what the right ruleset for the list is,
> it seems appropriate to remove those blocks.
> Regards,
>                       Harald T. Alvestrand
> --
> Harald Tveit Alvestrand, EDB Maxware, Norway
> Harald.Alvestrand@edb.maxware.no