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Re: [ga] Message from the Chair


You say you want to take action
" to give a voice to those who are not part of any Constituency, and that
therefore do not have any other forum for presenting their views"

But the rules you support include a pesky little rider saying that the GA
is not a decision-making body.

So what is the point of holding any discussions here?    Presenting
opinions on a forum which holds no sway anywhere in ICANN's labyrinthine
structure seems like an exercise in futility.   A voice is not a vote.


Roberto Gaetano wrote:

>I would not be acting in line with my proposals
>of only one month ago if I let the debate continue further without
>taking any immediate action.
>While we debate on this otherwise legitimate question about the process,
> and we try to perfect the proposal currently before us, decisions about
> questions of substance are taken somewhere else.
>While we engage in endless discussion and flood with noise the only
>forum where individuals can voice their opinions, the other components
>of the complex Internet puzzle progress without us.
>Therefore, we must adopt the set of rules that are before us as a first
>step. We can rivisit the situation in the future, obviously, but we need
> to start managing the list in a way that will reduce the noise and
>recreate better conditions for the debate.
>We will adopt the rules for a three-months period. I am confident that
>the situation will change, and that the debate will be more productive,
>without any of the much feared "censorships". In fact, the existence of
>the ga-unfiltered list will give sufficient guarantees and visibility of
> the "filters".
>In this three-months timeframe we can surely define better rules and/or
>propose alternative ones, but we must indeed lay down an action plan on
>what we want to achieve, because the next big deadline, the ICANN
>meeting in Cairo, is less than six weeks away.
>This is the challenge that we have before us.
>If this operation will not work, and either the "filters" put in place
>by the SAA will be proven to be "censoring" the participation, or if the
> people that have abandoned the GA are not coming back (which means that
> my analysis of the reasons of their quitting was incorrect), I will
>draw the political consequence of the facts, and resign.
>Back to the practical aspects, the first step is to appoint the SAA.
>Please consider this message an official call for volounteers.
>Best regards

Ellen Rony                         ____             The Domain Name Handbook
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