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Re: [ga] Older Registrations

William X. Walsh wrote:

>.....   There is no document that gives IANA this authority.  

And even if, what a difference would it make it now?

IMHO, a couple of years ago USG has turned the page. By issuing the 
White Paper, and delegating power to ICANN, the framework of reference 
has changed.

Now, if somebody will ever add new gTLDs in the root, it will be ICANN 
(or at least somebody under supervision of ICANN). All the elements of 
this discussion will be useful only for litigation in court (supposing 
that somebody would be willing to bring "IANA" to court), but not at all
 to determine if and when and which gTLDs will be eventually added to 
the root by ICANN.

It will be more useful to define the GA position on the allocation of 
new gTLDs "in principle", considering that there are still roadblocks on
 the way (for instance, the question of the "famous marks").

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