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Re: [ga] Individual domain name holders and the DNSO

On Sun, Sep 10, 2000 at 09:46:51PM -0700, Bret Fausett wrote:
> > I imagine that many would like to fix this.  I certainly would.  Why is
> > it so difficult?
> I believe that most all the DNSO constituencies

I don't know that this is true.

> and the General Assembly
> itself have accepted the idea that an individual domain name holders
> constituency is needed, and in fact overdue.

I think there are *many* fundamental issues that have never even been
discussed, much less resolved, regarding an individuals constituency: 0)
the constituency formation process itself; 1) the relationship between
an individual constituency and the atlarge membership; 2) the
relationship between an individual constituency and the ga; 3) the
relationship between an individual constituency and other constituencies
[is someone who is a representative of an organization in another
constituency who owns a domain name excluded from membership in an
individual constituency -- why or why not]; 4) the problems of dealing
with an individual membership [how do you authenticate, how do you deal
with capture etc].

Personally I have always been in favor of an "at-large" constituency, 
which is open to anyone, rather than an individual domain name holders 
constituency.  While people who just use domain names without registering 
them don't have as much an obvious stake, they clearly do have a stake.  
[The claim that only domain name holders have a stake in domain names 
is no more meaningful than saying that only home owners have a stake in 
housing policy.]

Some time ago I put together a web site on this issue -- see 

> Others will remember the history better than I do, but I seem to recall we
> do not yet have a constituency for individuals because individuals have not
> yet "self-organized" to the satisfaction of the ICANN Board.

That is true also.

Kent Crispin                               "Do good, and you'll be
kent@songbird.com                           lonesome." -- Mark Twain
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