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Re: [ga] Last minute changes to Verisign agreements

Would you clear up a few things here?

Dave Crocker wrote:

> OK.  Let's consider your list:
> Critical comments did not come from "Congress".  They came from a few
> elected officials in Congress.

Those wold be Congressmen.  If they do not make comments from Congress who does?

> Elected officials do quite a lot of posturing for their constituency.  It's
> difficult to take a few of their indignant outcries as anything serious,
> both given how superficial their knowledge is and how little they do with
> their supposed concern.

Their knowledge is only superficial as to what you deem important.  It is not
superficial when it comes to reading public support and the protecting the
publics' rights.

> And then we have your citing the tiny number of people who go to ICANN
> meetings "with absolutely no vested interests".  It might be interesting to
> discover who these people are, since there are so few people at the
> meetings, and therefore almost no one likely to be there with no vested
> interest.

Where does you vested interest lie?

> However, let's consider these hypothetically ideal observers that you
> cite.  What is their experience with public decision processes?  What is
> their understanding of serious operations administration for critical
> infrastructure services?  How much experience do they have balancing ideals
> with practical constraints?

I gather you are saying you do not want anyone who is not frimly entrenched and
thinking along the same lines as you, having any impact, on matters such as the
Verisgn contracts. Do you have any examples where you approved of anyone balancing
practicality with ideals?

You then state;
"The real difficulty is that hyperbole, personal posturing, personal attacks, and
focus on irrelevant or incorrect details has made it impossible to conduct
serious, public discussion about serious, practical improvements."

Would you mind stating which deatails are irrelevant?

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