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RE: [ga] Call for a Working Group

> From: Dave Crocker [mailto:dhc2@dcrocker.net]
> Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 2:10 PM
> At 01:08 PM 4/13/2001, Kendall Dawson wrote:
> >At 11:15 PM 4/12/2001 -0400, Milton Mueller wrote:
> >>However, there is some possibility that, given enough time 
> and some clear 
> >>guidance, such a group might achieve some consensus points 
> that could 
> >>bring about a temporary ceasefire...
> >
> >I agree with Milton on this. The NC should create a Working Group to 
> >explore this. Introduction of new colliding TLDs (especially 
> .BIZ) should 
> >be put on hold until this WG has a chance to explore the 
> ramifications of 
> >alternate or competing roots.
> 1.  This is not a new topic.  It has been around for years.  
> Why is it only being pursued this late, with new ICANN registries about to

> be turned on?

We tried to "make it happen" in WG-C. That group was rat-holed.

> 2.  The debate on this topic, over a period of years, has not 
> produced an discernible, neither practical nor theoretical.  What is the 
> basis for believing that anything other than further delay will be the 
> result of this effort, now?

Because "certain parties" behave as if they had a vested interest in NOT
coming to some sort of agreement on this and keep rat-holing the
discussions. I, for one, have been trying to get this to happen for a very
long time. The straw-man for this has been around since 1998 and was posted
in WG-C.

> 3.  Why should the independent actions of registration activities of 
> independent namespaces be of any concern to us?
> This is exactly the sort of activity that suggests an 
> interest in endless 
> debate than in providing users with new TLDs...

This sort of argument suggests a lack of willingness to come to a conclusion
on this issue, unless it is the conslusion espoused by the arguer. The
"endless debate" comes from polarized positions and a willingness to not
have any conclusions, rather than the one that would compromise theirs. IOW,
the old "my way or the highway" mentality. If I recall correctly, that's
exactly what both you and Kent got nailed on, in WG-C. The absence of both
of you, would probably allow such a WG to succeed.
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