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Re: [ga] "All roots" (Re: Additional Mailing Lists)

This is beginning to sound like the Soviet Union, for heaven's sake.  
Why not simply nationalize everything, supress free speech, abandon 
the Constitution and give "special" backers of the "regime" the prize.  
To heck with individuals' rights; to heck with entrepreneurial and creative 
efforts and to heck with democracy.  Let's just go socialist and give the 
crumbs to those we suppress.

My gosh, Kent, the truth comes out finally.  If this is an example of the 
thinking behind ICANN, John Palmer is right.  It must be stopped.

If not, then let's hope for all our sakes that we can all come to the table 
and cooperate.  You are correct about one thing.  The Internet can be 
destabilized, but not by "alternate" TLDs or roots.  It will be due to 
ICANN's alienation of the rest of the world.  

Most TLDs are off-shore, Kent.  Other countries are launching their own 
TLDs and roots.  Why do you think that is?  Try demagoguery.  It 
doesn't work, especially not in the US.

You have proposed unconstitutional acts that could not be put into 
place by the FTC or Congress.  

As for personal gain, is it not for personal gain that Neulevel will operate 
a for-profit registry?  Whose dreamworld are you living in?  How many of 
the seven selected TLDs are going to be run for altruistic reasons?   
Why did they conduct market studies?  And since when are business 
models within the purview of a technical coordination body?

Let's get real, here, Kent.  Call it what it is.  ICANN is backed by the 
power hungry and greedy and you have just tried once more to turn that 
around and make a bunch of small businesses the culprits.  FUD.

As for discussions and relevancy, if it were so irrelevant to ICANN, why 
is there such controversy on this list?  It seems to me that it is very 
relevant if ICANN is so afraid that there is competition out there.  It 
makes it even more imperative that there be reasonable discussion so 
that BOTH sides can set forth their reasoning and HOPEFULLY find 
some common ground on which to work.

On 22 Apr 2001, at 17:42, Kent Crispin wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 23, 2001 at 09:56:52AM +1000, Patrick Corliss wrote:
> > Hi Harald
> > 
> > Many lists would consider your posting to be a breach of list rules of the "me
> > too" variety.  In this case you simply say that you do not agree without
> > stating any reasons.
> > 
> > The argument is for a working group to discuss the policy implications of
> > alternate roots.
> >
> > Can you be specific, please, not necessarily by answering Kristy's post but by
> > stating why you think there are no policy implications for alternative roots?
> Alternate roots and alternate TLDs destabalize the name space, and hence
> the primary policy question is how strongly ICANN should condemn them. 
> So far ICANN has been content with letting the alternate roots (and
> alternate TLDs) self-destruct, but I think that with the appeance of
> new.net a case could be made that a stronger policy is necessary. 
> That's probably worth another motion:
>     I move that the GA petition the NC to ask the Board to submit a
>     formal letter to the US Federal Trade Commission calling for the
>     immediate investigation of all alternate root and alternate TLD
>     providers.  
> Moreover, I think the US congress should be informed, and that, for
> those of us in the US, we should encourage our congresspersons to pass a
> law to make knowingly attaching alternate roots or TLDs to the public
> Internet a criminal offense.  In other countries I think responsible 
> people should take similar measures.
> I'm not saying this to be provocative, incidentally -- I really do
> believe that attaching alternate roots or TLDs to the Internet runs the
> risk of doing serious harm.  As long as the experiments are very small
> the risks of damage are very slight, but if the number of participants
> in these experiments gets very large, I believe the possibility of
> serious damage becomes quite real. 
> > In other words, if you are saying the subject is not worthy of discussion then
> > why is much of this list taken up with discussing it?
> Because there are a number of people who are either living in a
> technical dream world, or are willing to damage the Internet for their
> own personal gain. 
> > As I said, it would
> > free up the main list.
> That's highly doubtful.
> > The other alternative is to keep ruling it "off topic" and banning almost
> > everybody.
> Interesting that you think that the alternate root crowd is "almost everybody".
> -- 
> Kent Crispin                               "Be good, and you will be
> kent@songbird.com                           lonesome." -- Mark Twain
> --
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Leah Gallegos
AtlanticRoot Network, Inc. http://www.biztld.net
The DotBIZ tld Registry - the REAL one.  Stop ICANN
from duplicating the .BIZ tld in their root and fracturing
the Internet! 
ALSO, visit http://www.TLDlobby.com.

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