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Re: [ga] Admin note: I have resigned as list monitor

At 12:28 PM 6/27/2001 +0000, Roberto Gaetano wrote:
>Eric Dierker wrote:
>>Tierra Firma - on solid ground.  The winds are shifting and it is time 
>>for men
>>like Harald to step aside.  They do not fit in with the new genre of
>>hardworking people with open and transparent agendas who do not care about
>>control as much as their ideals.
>I concur that Harald, as a person that over the years has built something 
>for the Internet (and that is still doing so as IETF Chair), is 
>unfortunately out of place in the GA.


Yeah, sure, get rid of all the mechanics and engineers and see how it goes.

I do not think milliseconds would pass before we had all been sought out 
for rehire.

But I do agree that netizens really do not have proper support in the 
DNSO's GA.  One reason is most of the participants refuse to read enough to 
understand the tool they are using much less discuss it which may be (I 
imagine) why so many choose to create personal arguments.  Now there are 
some folks in this group who are fabulous and I think we all know who they are.

Also, I have noted when taking my own vehicle to the mechanic how cruel 
people are to their mechanics - as if the mechanic herself was the cause of 
the customer's ignorance or poor driving habits.  (This reminds me of when 
we were a first Tier ISP and held responsible for many of our client's 
computers whether we had seen them or not.)

I wonder how much longer any netizens will continue to participate within 
this group.  Many have left and those who remain signed up do not 
participate much if at all.

What is truly disgusting is the ineptness showed by some of our American 
participants who do not seem to have any understanding of their 
language.  They write without following the basic rules.   They disregard 
grammar structure, spelling rules, punctuation, et cetera.  How is anyone 
supposed to understand what they have written?



For every ten people who are clipping at the branches of evil, you're lucky 
to  find one who's hacking at the roots.

           -  -  -  -  -  -  Henry David Thoreau  (1817-1862) American 

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