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Consensus [Was: Re: [ga] Posting limits for Board candidates}

Here is an example of consensus, it would seem.  Several people suggested
adoption of this policy, Danny concurred, and after two days no other words
have been heard.  I've seen no objections, either as to the merits or the usual
complaint that the Chair lacks the authority to make such a change in policy,
that no vote has been taken, etc., etc. The appropriateness of some policies
are so self evident that none of the above, including the formal process set
out in the Best Practices procedure, are required, and there can be no target
of "2/3" or anything like that by which consensus could be measured, since
no one has voted, or even said anything.  Silence is itself a communication,
and, although on many issues the matter of whether a consensus exists will
have to be evaluated from a full run of the Best Practices procedure, in other
cases, like this one, we find consensus in the same way that Justice Whizzer
White finds obscenity: "I can't define it, but I know it when I see it."

Bill Lovell

DannyYounger@cs.com wrote:

Dear members,

Thank you for suggesting to remove the posting limits for our ICANN Board

I concur; this is a reasonable action to take at this time.

Best wishes to all our candidates.

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possibly be explained at:
"WHAT IS": http://whatis.techtarget.com/
GLOSSARY: http://www.icann.org/general/glossary.htm
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