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RE: [ga] Partial response to questions from Danny Younger regarding Business Constituency: Charter and ByLaw Violations

>  Of course, we all recognize that
>AT&T is also a communications company, as well as a web hosting, business
>user, and Internet company. \

I thought their main business was telemarketing???

Cade is also involved in ensuring that corporations like AT&T have
unfettered access to the personal information for individuals.  Cade lobbies
to make sure that no laws get passed that will place any restrictions on how
personal information is used by companies such as AT&T.

I have seen Cade in action here in Washington.  You should see how these
people operate.  You cannot believe anything these people say ... and I mean
anything.  Their allegiance is to their corporation and their stockholders.
They don't care about anybody or anything else.  Many of them know little or
nothing about what they are talking about.  All they know is how to suck up
to those who have some power.  Lobbying, policy development and advocacy are
exactly the same thing.  let's just say you lie on behalf of your parent

AT&T is in constant litigation because they cannot tell the truth and cannot
follow the law over violating privacy laws.  I took them before the FCC and
they were found guilty of violating privacy laws.  They still break these
laws and then lie about it (as anyone with a telephone can attest).

see http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Enforcement/Orders/1999/fcc99401.txt

Why should anyone believe anything said by an AT&T lobbyist is beyond me.
How can anyone be so stupid as to believe these people?

But hey, if you have something to sell give ole Marilyn a call as I am sure
she loves telemarketing calls.

Russ Smith

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