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[ga] ALSC report presentation in Paris on Sept. 4th

I wish to recall those of you who may be in Paris on Sept 4th that the ALSC and the ISOC organize a meeting on the ALSC report at 17:00 at the Chamber of Commerce. With possibly Mr. Bilt.

Will speak:
- Loic Damilaville (on this list),
- Olivier Iteanu - (Président ISOC France and Member ALSC)
- Pindar Wong (President APRICOT and VP ALSC) 
- Pierre Danjinou Adminstrateur AfriNIC and Member ALSC
- Elisabeth Porteneuve (on this list) Member of the NC and DNSO Secretary.

To register:

france@large is no part in this meeting.
But this meeting is obvsiously of real interest.

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