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RE: [ga] Election: Letter to the GA Chair, please endorse/sign!

I endorse and agree to co-sign this letter.

Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

|> -----Original Message-----
|> From: owner-ga-full@dnso.org [mailto:owner-ga-full@dnso.org] 
|> On Behalf Of Alexander Svensson
|> Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 6:18 AM
|> To: ga@dnso.org; DannyYounger@cs.com
|> Subject: [ga] Election: Letter to the GA Chair, please endorse/sign!
|> [I ask other GA members to endorse this appeal to the Chair
|> by co-signing this message.]
|> ============================================================
|> Dear GA Chair,
|> the NC Transfer Task Force, from which you have resigned,
|> will start their work with a conference call next week.
|> During the nomination phase of the election, the GA expected
|> to send one representative. Three candidates have come forward
|> to become this (single) representative. Now, there is the
|> possibility that two or three representatives (one voting,
|> one or two non-voting) can be sent. The election cannot be
|> changed midway without distorting the GA voters' choice:
|> It would lead to an automatic election of candidates.
|> The GA voters should therefore have the right to choose
|> whether to send any of the candidates to the Task Force.
|> Since elections during the upcoming holidays would be
|> very inconvenient and the Task Force work is about to begin,
|> we ask you to quickly start elections for a GA representative
|> on the Task Force, following the approach suggested by
|> Jonathan Weinberg
|> (http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/ga/Arc08/msg03615.html):
|>   On the ballot, allow GA members to vote YES/NO on each of the
|>   three candidates.  The rule would be that the candidate with the
|>   most YES votes is the representative, and the next highest
|>   vote-getter is the observer, except that a candidate will not be
|>   deemed elected to *any* position unless he receives YES votes
|>   on more than half the ballots submitted.  That gives the GA
|>   the option to elect two people if it chooses, but it also gives a
|>   majority of the GA the ability to say that it doesn't want
|>   particular people representing it on the TF (as either
|>   "representative" or "observer").
|> Please make sure that the GA is represented on the Task
|> Force, and please act quickly, so that the Secretariat
|> can set up the election in time before the holidays!
|> Regards,
|> /// Alexander
|> ============================================================
|> --
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