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Re: [ga] Danny Younger's opinion about icannatlarge.com

Danny, the icannatlarge.com panel hasn't even been in place 1 full week yet.
It's main job is to set the stage for a more permanent governing structure.
The panel's term ends in less than 90 days.   It does not have a very broad
manadate to make policy.   It's about a year or two late, but so what.   You
think the last 5 days haven't produced enough results?


----- Original Message -----
From: <DannyYounger@cs.com>
To: <vb@vitaminic.net>; <ga@dnso.org>
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 11:23 AM
Subject: Re: [ga] Danny Younger's opinion about icannatlarge.com

> Vittorio,
> You have been in the ICANN environment long enough to understand the
> consequences of recommendations that are formulated at too high a level of
> generality.  As the saying goes... the devil is in the details.  The
> in Resolution 02.22, has asked to be provided with "specifics" such as:
> 1.  the ways the different components of any proposed structure will
> together and interact;
> 2.  the system of checks and balances that will ensure both the
> and the openness of the organization.
> 3.  the ways in and conditions under which essential components of any
> proposed structure that may not be able to be fully incorporated at the
> of the reform process will be included when appropriate; and
> 4.  a description of a proposed transition process from the current
> to any recommended new structure, including a description of how the
> components of ICANN relate to the new proposed structure, and the
> timetable for that transition;
> Specifics have not been articulated in most of the comments submitted thus
> far.  Instead, most comments tend to take the form of  "I don't have a
> specific suggestion to offer, but I can tell you that I don't like this
> of Stuart's plan."  The implication is that the Board Committeee should
> come up with something else.
> Do you trust the Board and Staff sufficiently to settle upon whatever they
> propose?  Why then are you leaving it in their hands, rather than
> individually or collectively drafting a comprehensive counter-proposal
> at least offers the same degree of granularity that is to be found in
> Stuart's plan?  You and your fellow activists have been waging the
> War for several years now.  This is not the time to allow yourselves to be
> reduced to a "mechanism" by some Board Committee when representational
> are at stake, and when the future structure of ICANN and its Board
> composition are on the line...
> You state:  I really don't understand what you want us to do.  Let me be
> clear... I am expecting those that sincerely believe in the At-Large to
> up with a highly-detailed comprehensive proposal that addresses the
> "specifics" that the Board has requested, and to do it in a timely fashion
> that such input can be considered by the group that is now formulating
> specific recommendations to the Board, the Evolution and Reform Committee.
> You are in the final minutes of the game with the goal line in view.  Now
> not the time to fumble the ball.  Surely among your many associates, there
> a sufficiently large enough brain trust and commitment to get the job
> If you fail to put such a comprehensive plan on the table, then you will
> to live with the fact that the "specifics" advanced by others (such as
> Staff) prevailed in the absence of your detailed input.  The choice is
> to make.
> --
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