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[ga] Internet is for everyone - even Martians!


Internet is for everyone - except NCDNHC, Open Roots, New.net, 
non-contracting ccTLDs ... ?

Dear Vint,
why not to say that "everynet" is for everyone, including the Internet [the 
word you coined for the legacy], ccNet, .eunet, newnet, govnet 
(gov/mil/edu/us), ITU/T Telephone, TV, Radio, ISSN, WIPO, etc.. so everyone 
may develop in good concertation and in peace ... and promote new solutions?

as you note it the challenge is important, actually I think it is more than 
what you think, but let try to phrase it slighly differently. Let say that 
the International datanetwork "hardware" system is to support in the 20 
years to come the integration of different large "software" applications to 
support the need of the "brainware" (what the people's brain do) and of the 
computerware (what the people's computers do).
Each of these applications, like the virtual private distributed computer 
system, automation, e-money, authentification, localisation, music, 
telemedecine, etc. will probably be far larger than the web today. Calling 
for new protocols and certainly for a new network architecture.

Our challenge is to sort it out ; routing, protocols, applications, market 
researches, look and feel, education and training, laws, 
value-added/extended services and products, behaviours, financing, people's 
and govs adhésion etc.. and technical transition. When we see IPv6 
compelxity, the task ahead is not simple. So why to complexify it at the 
begining of the road over the DNS and the ICANN ?

PS. I would understand that you want to retain "Internet" as a name for the 
whole world system value added layer, then let not confuse it with the 
LegacyNet management. Kill the ICANN and rebuild it as LegaCANN for the 
Legacy management and as a technical secretariat for the International 
consensus shared (not served, not controled) with the ITU/T, along with 
Harald's business plan.

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