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Re: [ga] Watching the voting registry

DannyYounger@cs.com wrote:
> William is correct in stating that the GA runs by consensus.  It is also true
> that the NC is supposed to be managing the consensus process.  How exactly
> are they doing that if well over half of the NC is not subcribed to the
> Voting Registry?

> Are they even reading the GA list so that they can "manage"
> the process?

Excellent questions. Any NC members care to comment?

> NC members not on the the voting roster:
> Forsythe
> Cochetti
> Tindal
> Carp
> Harris
> Ruth
> Feld
> Grabensee
> Tonkin
> Djolakian
> Shankman
> Have many of these folks have ever posted a comment
> to the GA list?

Few that I've noticed, amd I don't think many on the
ALSC task force list either.

> How then are they "managing" anything?

Good question. Again, any comment from NC members?

> It's time to dismiss the notion of the NC as
> a "consensus managing" body.

Perhaps not quite. 

Methinks it is fair to say that, to date, they appear
not to be doing this job. From where I sit, they
appear not to be even trying. And since, at least as
I understand it, that is their primary role in the
process, this is serious problem.

However, I'd like to hear their version of the story
(or their versions, since they may not agree) before
dismissing the notion that they are doing something

> Let one-person/one-vote be the determinant as
> to whether consensus exists.

No. See other posts for discussion.

> The NC is clearly not up to the job.

Apparently not.
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