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RE: [ga] The rebid vote

As to the "Motion" itself, Thomas Roessler asked for a list of 10 supporters
it, and Joanna Lane posted both the Motion and the list of
supporters.(However, motions do
not ordinarily include within their wording any explanations thereof.)
Bill Lovell

Allow me to make a Correction, or should I say, clarification to my last
post. For reasons of a short time frame, the GA Chair asked for the list of
supporters to be compiled from those members who had previously indicated
their support for taking a vote, rather than solicit new expressions of
interest. This may have caused some confusion.

For the avoidance of doubt, the SUPPORTERS list I posted together with the
Motion text represents the majority of members who have expressed agreement
with a vote being taken, but this should not be taken to mean that these
members are in agreement with the motion itself, neither is its necessary to
provide such a list. Equally, it should not be taken to mean that all
supporters agree with the vote being taken during the week May 13 to May 17,
as proposed by the Chair, at least four members to my knowledge think this
leaves insufficient time for debate.

I believe the floor is now open for members to debate the wording of this
Motion, to suggest possible amendments, or even propose an alternative/
substitute Motion. Bill is quite correct when he says the wording of the
Motion is not something that is resolved by Agreement between only the
Proponent and the Chair, (and especially in the situation where the Chair is
hostile to the Motion going forward, as would seem to be the case here). It
is a fundamental principal of BP that all members have a right to be heard
on an issue, that is the meaning of concrete, bottom up, consensus building
procedures. Now is your chance.

I suggest the debate is focused on the following aspects:-

1. Concern has been expressed that the meaning of the word "rebid" is not
2. Concern has been expressed that the Motion text should include specific
reference for each of the ICANN contract(s) to which this will apply.
3. The basis for the Motion, the rationale, is usually stated in the
"whereas" clauses preceding the Motion, not in the body of the Motion


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