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RE: [ga] other approaches and concerns

On Fri, 10 May 2002, Cade,Marilyn S - LGA wrote:
> Please don't lose sight of the reality that the GA has a chance to
> respond, just as do other groups, to the Evolution and Reform white
> papers.

Thois choice of words reflects reality perhaps more than we would like -
on certainly does have a chance "to respond".  But will one be heard?

ICANN has a long history of these kinds of 
"throw-it-over-the-wall-and-we-might-consider-it" kinds of processes.

And in those processes there has never been much evidence that what was
submitted was actually read, much less comprehended, and even less given
weight in some sort of even-handed and open-minded deliberation.

Granted, this evolution committee is doing a better job than any of 
ICANN's prior committees - at least it is asking questions.  But the 
questions indicate that the committee is running on rails that admit of 
little deviation from the basic shape of the Lynn plan.

The question being placed before the GA - regarding its sense on the
question of the disposition of the various legal arrangements between the
US and ICANN - is separate and distinct from one making one's comments to
the "evolution" committee.


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