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Re: [ga] Motion # 1

This email presents perhaps the best opportunity to point out a matter that seems to be
widely misunderstood, and that has to do with "the scope of the GA." There are those
like William X. Walsh who have trotted out "points of order" and so on, and others raising
issues of the "scope of the GA," etc., reciting this or that provision of the ICANN/DNSO/GA
bylaws, charter, or whatever  Then there are those who wilfully disregard all of the above,
acting entirely like some kind of a mob that evidently intends presumptiously to run by its own
rules. I count myself among the latter.

What needs to be understood here is that the tea is being tossed into Boston Harbor or -- with a
nod to our good buddy Jefsey -- the farmers have their pitchforks and axe handles at the ready
(an illustration I recall out of an old history book, I think), and (figuratively speaking) are about
to storm the Bastille. Consequently, I suggest that citations to this or that authority within all the
ICANN gobbledygook are simply not going to wash.  If anyone wants to oppose what is going
on here, the way to do it is by substantive motions, amendments, acerbic comment, or whatever
turns you on. But legal nitpicking is going to get you nowhere  -- get substantive, and tell us how
it is that ICANN is a blessing to humanity.

Bill Lovell

George Kirikos wrote:

--- "Ross Wm. Rader" <ross@tucows.com> wrote:
I am firmly against taking this motion to a vote.

Ditto. It continues to be inappropriate and out of the scope of the GA.

I checked out the website of cptech.org, to look at their "agenda". I
found some of their positions to be simply hilarious. For instance,
they're angry that Microsoft stock doesn't pay dividends!! Sheesh!


What's incredulous is that their point #1 is actually a *justification*
for not paying dividends, i.e. that shareholders are better off due to
the minimization of taxes. In point #2, there are thousands of other
stocks that one can buy, besides MSFT. Also, if one needed funds, one
can sell a few shares, instead of getting a dividend cheque. If a
dividend is paid, all that happens is that the stock goes down by the
amount of the dividend. So, if it goes down from $50 to $49, and one
h ad 1000 shares of stock, one could have raised the $500 in funds by
simply selling ten shares of stock at $50, and then holding 990 shares
at $50, with no dividends. Microsoft also saves a lot of cash from not
having to mail out cheques every quarter. (I'm not a MSFT shareholder,
but can understand there are good reasons for not paying dividends)

And these folks at cptech.org expect to be taken seriously? They've
marginalized themselves, and are probably proud of it, too. Let's not
do the same to the GA.


George Kirikos

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