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[ga] FYI: East Timor's new ISO 3166-1 entry

Country name (Short name)    EAST TIMOR
Country name (Official name) Democratic Republic of East Timor 
Alpha-2 code                 TL 
Alpha-3 code                 TLS 
Numeric code                 626

This entry also refers to the exclave of Okusi.

>Note: The new alphabetic code elements allow a visual association with 
>the new short name of the country in Portuguese "Timor Leste" and 
>the official name "República Democrática de Timor Leste".


There have also been some changes of (mostly the official) country 
names regarding Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bosnia and 
Herzegovina, Fiji, Hong Kong, Kazakhstan, Kiribati, Macao, Niue,
Somalia and Venezuela.


Best regards,
/// Alexander

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