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[ga] Security

Layers and doors,

When you build layers, upon layers, upon layers you must add the layers
of security within that same framework.
The same holds true in physical and digital worlds.  Each floor of a
secured building must be secured, separately from the other, both for
fire (virus) and intrusion (hacking).

Now the IPv6 may even be better than the IPv4 but we have the technology
and understanding to make it more secure by adding another layer of

When I speak of security, and while I have no antagonism toward Jim and
Joe, I do refer to privacy as I see them as one and the same.  We have
locked the front door in IPv4 but in IPv6 we have built a sliding glass
door onto the patio and have not provided the extra security we need
with this new capability to fire and intrusion.
Maybe it is only a peeping Tom,  but, a lock stops an honest man and
window shades prevent innocent voyeurism.


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