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Re: [ga] Bizconst on new gTLDs.

On 11:17 11/12/02, Thomas Roessler said:
>On a side note, I find the proposal's focus on sponsored/restricted
>gTLDs rather courageous, given that there is not a single
>sponsored/restricted gTLD which has proven to be reasonably

The difference between Man and animal by the Bible is that God told Adam to 
name animals. ICANN is superior to God since it decides for Man how animals 
will all be called the same. So a cow is named a donkey and ICANN a mess.

>On the other hand, the sheer number of registrations in
>..info seems to indicate that the market indeed has demand for
>unrestricted/unsponsored gTLDs...

hmmmm. From my own .info registrations I chose them because of the meaning 
to the users (I do not give a damn about the restricted, sponsored matrix. 
An old lawyer trick to oblige you to think along Joe's and Louis' ways, and 
to put you at disadvantages).

PS. When I say Joe in here I mean U/JDRP Sims. Sorry for true .GOD Joe Batista.

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